Metal etching is carried out in different ways, but the meaning of the technology is always the same – removing the top layer from the surface of the metal. Thanks to this method, it is possible not only to clean the workpiece from oxides and scale, but also, to check the material for internal defects.

Etching is often used for other tasks as well. So, with the help of this technology, quite spectacular images or the thinnest channels, several microns in size, are applied to the metal surface, which is required in the manufacture of some very complex parts. Etching of metals involves careful machining of surfaces. A protective coating is applied to the product, which is erased in the place of the drawing. Then either acids or a bath with an electrolyte are used. Unprotected places are destroyed. The longer the exposure time, the deeper the etching of metals occurs. The drawing becomes more expressive and clearer.

In addition to metals, other materials are also subjected to etching operations. Among them is the most common etching of glass with decorative purposes. Etching is carried out in pairs of hydrofluoric acid, the only one capable of dissolving glass.