Pneumatic equipment is a separate class of technical devices. It includes devices that operate due to the difference in gas pressure. The specificity of pneumatic equipment is to use the force of the air mass pumped by the system.
The category of pneumatic compressor equipment includes a wide range of equipment serving as elements of various types of pneumatic systems:
- Pneumatic tool;
- Pneumatic valves;
- Pneumatic cylinders;
- Pneumatic tubes;
- Pneumatic valves.
The pneumatic equipment group also includes air fittings and other components.
Pneumatic equipment has been widely used in various sectors of construction, road works, engineering and oil and gas industries, petrochemicals, etc. This category of technical devices is also used by workshops and service companies. Pneumatics is used in industry to perform manipulations for fixing, packaging, transporting device components, and tilting. Pneumatic braking equipment is used for rolling stock: electric locomotives, etc.
Pneumatic tools as a type of pneumatic equipment are in demand in various fields of industrial activity: sprayers, sandblasting units. grinders. Special rooms are equipped with a centralized pneumatic line, to which the tool is connected. When performing work in the construction and road industry, the use of mobile compressor stations is relevant. With the help of special slings, jackhammers and other types of devices are connected to them. The specificity of pneumatic equipment consists in the possibility of direct connection to a container with compressed air mass.

Image by cottonbro studio on Pexels
Pneumatic cylinders perform the task of converting the energy of compressed air into reciprocating movements.
Solenoid valves are the most important components in pneumatic systems. This category of pneumatic equipment is represented by:
- Reverse ones;
- Logical;
- Quick exhaust valves.
Pneumatic valves ensure the smooth functioning of the entire system. This type of units task is to change the control of air flows in accordance with external control action.
The need to use pneumatic equipment arises in order to minimize human participation in the implementation of life-threatening, heavy, monotonous production operations. Their effective mechanization and automation solution is also achieved. This ensures significant savings in time and labour resources.
The range of tasks solved by pneumatic equipment covers:
- Pneumatic signals switching;
- Ensuring the consistency of the pressure indicator;
- Equipment overload protection;
- Compressed air mass cleaning from moisture droplets, solid and oil fractions;
- Correction of compressed air mass flows direction, etc.
Industrial pneumatic equipment has been used as a component of robotic systems. This is particularly relevant in industrial robots being introduced into pharmaceutical, electronic and other high-purity industries.
You can find and buy pneumatic equipment of any category, including air preparation units, air suspension kits by choosing the appropriate model according to technical parameters and manufacturer.

Photo by Troy Mortier on Unsplash
Advantages of using pneumatic equipment
The list of key advantages of pneumatic equipment includes:
- Simplified design.
- Possibility of operating pneumatic equipment in harsh conditions.
- Long service life.
- Reliable overload protection – safe operation.
- Environmental cleanliness – the operation of pneumatic equipment is based on the use of air.
- Possibility of supplying a significant number of consumers with energy in synchronous mode
- Fire and explosion safety.
The production of pneumatic equipment has been established by both domestic and foreign companies.
Manufacturers of pneumatic equipment are continuously working to improve the manufactured models in terms of reliability resource parameters, expanding existing functionality, nomenclature and standard-size ranges of equipment. The stability and durability of the device largely depends on the manufacturer’s brand. Look for the company having pneumatic equipment in its area of specialization. Its pneumatic equipment store offers a wide range of devices focused on applications in various industries and other areas. You can buy pneumatic equipment of a suitable modification for solving specific tasks.